About us
AIMAC - The International Association of Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC) is an international network of researchers in arts and cultural management, founded in 1991.
Knowledge in the discipline of arts management cannot develop without the contributions of both researchers and practitioners. Through its conferences, AIMAC provides a forum for the exchange of
insights and perspectives in this field of study. It offers researchers the opportunity to present the results of their most recent research, to discuss ideas face-to-face and to learn about the latest developments in cultural management.
Aimac is also supporting local seminar or thematic conference projects developed at the initiative of its members. Over the past few years, it has also launched regular PhD Doctorial symposiums and, more recently, Paper Development workshops. The 9th doctoral symposium and the 2nd PDW will take place in Lisbon (22-23 June 2024)
The International Association of Arts and Cultural Management also participates in the publication of the International Journal of Arts Management, published by HEC Montréal’s Carmelle and Rémi Marcoux Chair in Arts Management. in partnership with SDA Bocconi, Arts and Culture Knowledge Centre. HEC Montréal is the oldest business school in Canada, and is affiliated with the Université de Montréal.
This refereed journal is intended for art managers, consultants, educators, researchers and civil servants in the field of arts and cultural management. It presents the latest research and developments in the field.
The papers presented at the conferences are available in the proceedings and their publication is ensured by the organizing committee of the host city. These papers are selected by the members of the scientific committee and by track editors.
Over the years, international conferences on arts and culture management have brought together
The conferences allow participants to communicate their knowledge and to publicize the progress of research on several themes applied to the field of arts and culture management.